Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What Do You Stand For?

Okay. Call me late to the party. But this whole Qur'an (Quran, Koran, etc.) burning thing is a disgrace.

Now surely that comment would be applauded in the Muslim community, but let me be clear. I don't think it's a disgrace because the book has any intrinsic value. As a Christian, the Bible is my standard of living and the only Scripture I believe to be inspired by God. I believe it is a disgrace because it shifts the focus of the Christian mission to one of condemnation.

In the last few days I've been confronted at least twice in various places with the idea that churches should be known for what they are for, rather than what they are against.

It's stuck in my head. I can't shake it.

The more disturbing side of this is that this thought somehow seems revolutionary when it really should be the standard for all churches, denominations, believers, etc. Any person or organization that falls under the banner of Christ should have laser focus when it comes to this issue.

So what is the central issue?

Well I believe it is GRACE.

People don't need a list of things they are doing wrong. Most are well aware of it, even if they don't own up to it. Certainly Biblical truth needs to be preached and the standard of Jesus Christ needs to be the "measuring stick" so to speak. But too often we put the cart before the horse.

Jesus didn't expect people to have it all together before they came to Him. He simply wanted them to come. The change came AFTER they experienced the reality of who He is. He met the need FIRST. He asked them to follow FIRST. He forgave them FIRST.

So how did Christians/churches end up identifying with what they are against?

I read these stories and saw the interviews of this small church in Florida. More than once I heard about all the different things they've done in and for the community. Unfortunately, this is not, and probably never will be, what they are known for. They are now singularly identified with persecution of the Muslim faith. What this means, is that, most likely, they have alienated, at the very least, an entire people group. People who are lost and it is there divine calling to reach.

Sad? Yes.
Is this an isolated incident? No.

Muslims, homosexuals, unwed mothers, addicts...the list goes on and on. Too often we are swift to pass judgement when the example of Jesus Christ is crystal clear.

We are to extend grace. Why? Because we have received grace.

I'm so privileged to be part of a church that gets it. And I've seen the fruits of extending that grace. When people feel like they are accepted, despite their weaknesses or failures, in spite of the fact that they walk in the doors with their hands "dirty", they are so much more likely to really hear the Good News.

Let's all work to discard this notion that you have to have it all together before you come to God. Let's be willing to get "down in the dirt" with people.

You're never more like Jesus than when you extend grace. Let's stand for that.


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