A box. - Finite. Limited. 3-dimensional. Confined in time and space. Manageable. Convenient.
We put God in a box.
Yes. There is absolute truth. I believe the Bible is God's Word, and so from it, we can see some of the facets of God. We are able to see a side or two, some of His traits, but somehow we think we have the whole picture. Yes, God will never work in ways counter to how He has revealed Himself in His Word. He is the same yesterday today and forever, but that doesn't mean we knew everything about Him yesterday, or that we will know everything today, or tomorrow. In fact, I'm fairly certain that, as we know Him in eternity, we will continue to marvel at discovering new and wondrous things about Him. The problem occurs when we mix what the Bible says, with what it doesn't say, what we "feel", tradition, and our limited experience. If thousands of years of human experience multiplied by billions of people hasn't been able to define God more than in part, what makes us think we can? I believe that we can know all we NEED to know about God through the Bible, that is its purpose as His written revelation. But I do not believe that the Bible contains ALL there is to know about God. That would be a "box" of sorts. And God doesn't put Himself in a box either. Indeed, the Bible paints a picture of a God whose depths are unfathomable, whose ways are higher than ours, whose creativity is unparalleled. Just read God's descriptions of Himself in the book of Job!
I hate the box. I hate the box I've put Him in. Sure, it's grown bigger over the years, but I still have to remind myself not to try to stuff Him in there. I hate the boxes that churches have put him in. As if we've all cornered the market on the right "version" of God. Am I saying that doctrinal statements are a bad thing? No. They help us to convey the picture of God that we understand. But we shouldn't represent our position as containing the only legitimate way to see God. In fact, I think the Creator God who made such diversity, is glorified in the various expressions of worship, in the variety of focus that different "denominations" have. The problem is when some try to sell or push their focus as the only true one. God can be found in liturgy and God can be found in spontaneity. God can be glorified through blazing guitar riffs and through organ music. God can use quiet, reflective people and energetic, outspoken ones. The point is this: Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. My box is not the Way the Truth and the Life. Church boxes are not the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We are called to faithfully point to the One who is. And He uses such variety in order to extend His reach, to deliver His love in as many forms as possible, so that all might hear the message and come to repentance.
Do you ever feel like you've put God in a box? In what ways?
How do we make sure we separate expressing the importance of the message of the Gospel from disparaging the way that "others" deliver it?
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