Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Random Rant

So I really wanted to have a new post on here but the one I'm currently working on is taking longer than I thought. It's massive actually. Probably too much to read. I'm sure I'm breaking some kind of unwritten blog length rule. In any case, a quick, random gathering of thoughts to fill the otherwise empty space below:

*Regardless of when the summer solstice falls. Summer really begins on Memorial Day. Don't be fooled. It also ends on Labor Day.

*I admit that while I don't find driving a minivan glamorous (I'd much rather drive my Mustang), I really appreciate the room. Not just the sheer kid stacking volume, but the headroom, leg room, ability to step out rather than up, etc. It's just roomy and comfortable. And I can't afford an SUV...

*USA and FX have some outstanding gems of TV viewing. Sure they tend to be rough around the edges. But the writing and acting are better than most of the drivel on mainstream network television.

*I'm sick of people acting like Sunday=church, or God's day while thinking the rest of the week is completely separate.

*I swear I just heard a UFO outside my house, and I don't believe in aliens...

*Ok, it was the neighbor's dump truck. Sounded like the turbo was spooling up.

*Yes, I said neighbor's dump truck. I live in the sticks.

*The rate at which technology is advancing is baffling. I remember interviewing my great grandmother when I was in elementary school, for some kind of project. They lived on a farm and of course had no indoor plumbing. Stored food in what amounted to a hole in the ground with a block of ice. Rode a horse and buggy to town. Crazy stuff. Imagine being 100 years old and seeing the advances made between 1910 and 2010.

*Imagine seeing the downward spiral of society.

*Wondering if anyone actually reads this.

*I love being a dad!

I think that's about it for today.


Anonymous said...

Definitely random.

Mike Yusko said...

Maybe it's genetic.

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